The Foundation is happy to loan any of its works to fine arts museums, universities, or similar institutions.

All borrowing institutions must meet the following criteria to qualify for a loan of artwork:

  • Satisfactory fire, theft, water damage, flood, earthquake, and environmental hazard controls must be in place, as demonstrated by a recent facilities report.
  • Trained security personnel must be on exhibition grounds at all times during public opening hours. Satisfactory security and alarm systems must be in place at all times outside of opening hours.
  • Proper environmental controls must be used to maintain steady temperature and humidity levels.
  • Display lighting must be reduced as necessary for any light-sensitive works.
  • Works must be physically guarded against any contact with museum visitors, via display cases, frames, etc.
  • The works loaned should fit well with the curatorial theme of the exhibition as a whole. Fit may be judged in terms of style, subject matter, time period, artists, pictorial theme, etc.

To express interest in a loan, please fill out the application and e-mail the completed form to Please remember that e-mail is an inherently insecure form of communication; do not include confidential or private information on the loan application. If you prefer to connect via phone, please send an e-mail to the above address requesting an appointment.